Journal "Studies on Russian Economic Development"
Information for authors
General Requirements
The manuscripts proposed for publication in the scientific journal “Studies on Russian Economic Development” should meet the following requirements:
- comply with the topics of the scientific publication (problems of socio-economic development of Russia and its regions, options for current, medium and long-term forecasts of the national economy and sectors of the economy, issues of structural and investment, scientific and technical, social, financial and foreign economic policy) (see Information About the Publication);
- be independent (that is, reflect the Author’s own contribution to the formulation and development of a selected scientific problem). The use in the article of other people’s/own texts already published in other publications or on the Internet, without specifying the source (plagiarism/auto plagiarism) is not allowed and may entail punishment in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the copyright and related rights’ protection (see Ethical Principle of Authors);
- be based (that is, to rely on the works of other scientists and specialists, not only the domestic, but also the foreign ones, as well as on the data of the latest empirical studies, and to contain the relevant references. Please note that when publishing an article on the Russian economy development, the presence of the domestic scientists’ works is mandatory in Literature List (References);
- be actual and relevant (that is, contain elements of scientific and informational novelty);
- comply with the logbook design specifications (see Article Design Standards).
Before the Editors consider the article, the Author must confirm his/her agreement with the Author’s Ethics and Peer Review Rules, adopted in the editorial office of “Studies on Russian Economic Development”.
In this case, the proposed article can be reviewed and sent for review, and, if necessary, discussed at the Editorial Board. After that, a decision will be made on the possibility of its publication, taking into account the thematic plans of the scientific publication.
All publications in the scientific journal are carried out free of charge.
Peer Review
The Editorial Board of the scientific journal “Studies on Russian Economic Development” mainly uses the method of “double-blind” (anonymous) peer review, i.e. the Reviewer and the Author do not know each other. Peer review takes from 2 to 8 weeks and consists of several stages. The newly received manuscript initially undergoes internal review by editorial specialists, including the editor-in-chief. At this stage, the material is pre-evaluated and can be rejected for the following reasons:
- the manuscript does not fit into the editorial policy and subject matter of the scientific publication; at the same time, the priority in determining the correspondence of the manuscript to the topic of scientific publication and the directions of publishing activities belongs to the Editorial Board;
- manuscript content does not correspond to the declared topic;
- knowingly poor quality of the material (ignorance of the main sources and literature on the topic, unsatisfactory evidence base, repetition of conclusions and theses already available and well known in the scientific literature on this issue, journalistic style and nature of the text, etc.);
- during the manuscript submitting process, the current requirements for the design were not taken into account.
The manuscript that has passed the preliminary stage is sent for the external scientific review to an authoritative specialist in the subject area. During the review process, the quality, originality and integrity of the proposed material is assessed. The Reviewer carries out the scientific examination of the Author’s materials, as a result of which his/her actions should be of an unbiased nature and his/her duties include:
- compliance with the confidentiality norms (it is not allowed to transfer or familiarize the third parties who do not obtain the appropriate authority from the Editorial Board with the review text);
- identification of cases of plagiarism and other unethical practices;
- efficiency and objectivity in work, reasoned assessment of study results; personal criticism of the Author is unacceptable;
- control over the indication of information sources;
- unconditional identification and exclusion of conflicts of interest, including the absence of official and other ties between the Reviewer and the Author;
- helping to make publishing decisions;
- the unpublished data from the peer-reviewed manuscript cannot be used by the Reviewer for personal purposes.
The review contains both a formal criteria set for material evaluation (scientific novelty, relevance of the study, degree of topic disclosure, etc.), and (if necessary) recommendations for the Author to finalize the material. If necessary, the Reviewer may recommend including necessary amendments or resubmission after the article improvement. Also, the Reviewer may recommend a refusal to accept the article for various reasons.
The Editorial Board of the journal relies on the Reviewer’s opinion when deciding on the acceptance/non-acceptance of the article for publication. The Author is obliged to take into account the main comments of the reviewer when finalizing the text.
Ethical Principles of the Scientific Article Authors
The Scientific Article Author is a person who participated (to a large extent – in the presence of several authors) in writing the work, primarily in the development of its concept, in scientific design, collection of initial materials, their analysis and interpretation of the results obtained.
In the case of co-writing work, all co-authors must meet these criteria. The consent of all Authors to publication is mandatory. The Authors ensure that:
- their scientific work is original (not previously published in other publications in its current or close in content form) and reliable (does not contain deliberately erroneous or falsified statements);
- the borrowed fragments or approvals are duly executed (with the obligatory indication of the Author and the original source). Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformed quotes, paraphrasing or assigning rights to the results of other people’s research, as well as repeating their own previously published texts both in the form of several quotes and without issuing a citation, are unethical and unacceptable;
- the submitted manuscript is not under review in other editions;
- all possible conflicts of interest related to copyright and publication of the materials are settled;
- adequately reflected the contribution of all persons who influenced the study process in one way or another, in particular, the article should contain references to the work that were important in conducting the study;
- the co-authors should indicate all the persons who made a significant contribution to the conduct of the study (among the co-authors it is unacceptable to indicate persons who did not participate in the study);
- does not infringe any existing copyright; in the event of such violations, losses will be reimbursed to the Publisher;
- in case the Author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, he must promptly notify the Editorial Board of the journal.
Violation of at least one of the above rules entails the article rejection. In some cases, the Editors reserve the right to notify the scientific community of the ethical norms and principles violation by the scientific article Author/Authors.
Countering Plagiarism
The Editorial Board of the scientific publication- journal “Studies on Russian Economic Development” proceeds from the suggestion that each Author who sends his manuscript to the journal agrees with the following principles of preventing from plagiarism and other unethical practices of scientific research and publications. Such actions are not acceptable:
- literal copying of more than 10% of another person’s paper without its proper design (nomination of authorship, reference to the source, use of quotes);
- incorrect rephrasing of another person’s work, in which more than one sentence was changed within one paragraph or section of the text, or the sentences were arranged in a different order without a corresponding reference to the source. Significant incorrect paraphrasing (more than 10% of the original work) without reference to the source is equated to literal copying;
- use of another person’s product elements (for example, a drawing, table or methodology of diagram constructing or conducting calculation or analysis) without specifying authorship, without expressing gratitude, referring to a source or using quotes. Authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder to use elements of his/her work;
- literal copying and paraphrasing of own works of more than 10% volume (automatic plagiarism);
- simultaneous submission of the same manuscript to several Editors (“a hub-and-spoke system of mailing”, so called the “fan-mailing”);
- duplication of publications (publication of one manuscript several times, making minimal changes to it);
- compiling a “new” manuscript from the Author’s previously published works.
Please note that only original articles are published in the scientific journal “Studies on Russian Economic Development”, reprinting of already published materials is not allowed. If the elements of the manuscript have been previously published in another article, the Authors are obliged to refer to their earlier work, indicate a significant difference between the new work and the previous one, and show correspondence of the obtained research results with the conclusions presented in the previous work.
When publishing a translated article, it is mandatory to conduct a legal approval procedure with the Author and Publisher of the original version of research.
Resolution of Plagiarism Disputes
The Editorial Board of the scientific journal “Studies on Russian Economic Development” adheres to the academic ethics standards and takes responsibly and seriously all plagiarism cases, including attempts to issue a translation from another language for the author’s own paper. Manuscripts that raise doubts in terms of ethical compliance are checked by the editors through the Internet system “Antiplagiate.”
In order to ensure objectivity, the Editorial Board examines carefully each such case and considers the arguments of all interested parties. Before taking further action, the Editorial Board seeks to obtain the most accurate information from the Authors of the controversial publication or from copyright owners. The decision of the Editorial Board is impartial, objective and not influenced by the third parties.
If plagiarism is suspected, the Author must prove his/her authorship or correctly arrange the borrowed pieces of text, after that the Editors can re-consider the manuscript.
In the case of a serious violation of copyright, as well as that of other ethical norms and rules of scientific research and publications, the manuscript will be rejected, and the cooperation between the Editorial Board and the Author may be terminated. In addition, the Editors have the right to apply to the Ethics Council of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers, to the relevant Dissertation Council with a request to check the publications of the specified Author for plagiarism for a period of up to 5 years.
If the article has been published by clarification time of the circumstances of the ethical principles violation, it can be withdrawn from the journal with the appropriate note on the official website of the journal. The Editors reserve the right not to respond to accusations of plagiarism if the prosecutor provides inaccurate personal information or acts in an unethical or threatening form. The Editorial Board is not obliged to discuss cases of alleged plagiarism with the persons not directly related to it.
Design Standards for Articles of the Scientific Journal “Scientific Works: Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
We draw the attention of our Authors to significant changes in the design of submitted manuscripts related to the use of the standards of international databases of bibliographic description and scientific citation in Scopus and Web of Science.
The task is to make the main statements and conclusions of the articles published in the journal available to a wide foreign audience that does not speak Russian. Of particular importance is the English annotation to the article (Abstract) and the list of literature used by the Author (References), since they, and not the text of the article itself, are reflected in the Scopus and Web of Science systems. Abstract and References should draw the attention of foreign readers to the article.
Accordingly, in the Author’s interests is to ensure their highest quality. In addition, the Reference list should fully reflect the scientific results achieved by other researchers in this area, in connection with which the Authors are urged to accompany the article with a diversified list of the literature used, the volume of which should be at least 25 sources.
All incoming articles are checked for plagiarism and other forms of ethical standards violation (see: Ethical Principles of Authors).
General Parameters
- Manuscripts should be provided in .doc format (Word 1997-2003);
- Drawings should not be copies or scans from any other sources;
- The scope of the article, including tables and figures, should not exceed 0.8 of printed page (p.p.) (32,000 signs/characters with spaces);
- Page setup: top margin -2 cm, bottom margin -2 cm, left margin -3.5 cm, right margin -2 cm;
Times New Roman Font, size 12pt;
First line indent – 1.25;
Line spacing -1.5;
- Article title – in word size 16 half bold letters in lowercase letters;
- Author’s name – in word size 16 half bold, in lowercase letters, in the center;
- Subheadings within Article – in word size 12, half bold in Italic Font, in lowercase letters;
- Footnotes: Font- in word size 11, Line Spacing -1, with no first-line identification;
- No automatic hyphenation;
- The main type of quotation marks is « ». However, if there is a scrawled fragment inside the quote, then it should be highlighted with “” and the whole quote with « »;
- In the title of the article in English, all significant words are written in capital letters.
Article Structure
Four blocks are conditionally distinguished in the article.
- Information on the article in Russian (sample):
Full name, academic degree, academic title, position/positions, affiliation/affiliates of the Author (s) (place of work), e-mail.
Keywords (up to 10 words)
- Article Text
- References
References to sources in the reference list are numbered sequentially, in order of their first mention in the text. References in text, tables and captions to figures are indicated by Arabic numerals [in square brackets] and, if necessary, specific page/pages are indicated. The list of all the literature used in the article is given in Latin (sources in English, French, German and other languages – in the original format, Russian-language sources must be transliterated and translated (see the Design Rules below)). For automatic transliteration into Latin, it is recommended to contact the website (transliteration standard – BSI; before transliteration, please make settings in the window).
- Information on the article in English (sample):
Full name, scientific title, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position/positions
Annotation Requirements (in Russian and English)
- The annotation should be informative (do not contain general words), meaningful (reflect the main content of the article, describe the main goals and methods of conducting the study, summarize the most important results of the study and their scientific significance), structured (follow the logic of article composition). The use of common and meaningless words, increasing the scope and space, without contributing to the disclosure of the article content, should be categorically avoided.
- The annotation volume should be essentially limited (up to 600 characters).
- The main significance in the light of international standards is the English-language annotation. It should adequately reflect the main content of the article, be sufficiently developed and detailed (the average volume is 1000 or more characters), written in good literate English using special English terminology. The use of common, meaningless words increasing the scope without much a contribution to the disclosure of the article content should be categorically avoided.
Arrangement of Footnotes or References
Initials are placed after the Author’s/Editor’s family name.
The Author/Editor’s name is given in Italic type. The book (monograph, edition) must indicate the year, place of publication, publishing house, the total number of pages.
Article (in journal, newspaper)
Article in Russian:
Ползиков Д.А. Текущее состояние продовольственной безопасности в странах ЕАЭС // ЭКО. 2020. № 6. С. 67-86/ DOI: 10.30680/ЕСО0131-7652-2020-6-67-86 [Polzikov, D.A. (2020). Current State of Food Security in the Eurasian Economic Union Countries. ECO. No. 6. Pp. 67-86. (In Russ.)]. DOI: 10.30680/ЕСО0131-7652-2020-6-67-86.
Author A. Title. The Name of the Newspaper,
If the Russian-language magazine/newspaper has an official name in English (especially if there is a translated version), then you should give it, and do not include the transliteration! You can see the English name here
Article in English, French, German and other languages (Latin):
Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. Title of article. Title of Journal, 2005, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 49-53. DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2013.840845 Available at: name of the Internet resource (accessed 00.00.0000).
Book (monograph, editions, article in the collection of works, chapter in the book):
Edition in Russian:
Саяпова А.Р., Широв А.А. Основы метода затраты-выпуск. Москва, МАКС Пресс, 2019. 336 с. DOI: 10.29003/m801.978-5-317-06263-7
Sayapova A.R., Shirov A.A. Basics of the Cost-Output Method. Moscow, MAKS Press, 2019. 336 p. DOI: 10.29003/m801.978-5-317-06263-7
Моисеев А.К. Макрофинансовая политика экономического роста: монография. М.: Научный консультант. 2017. 214 с.
If the Russian-language magazine/newspaper has an official name in English (especially if there is a translated version), then you should give it, and do not include the transliteration! You can see the English name here
Саяпова А.Р., Широв А.А. Основы метода затраты-выпуск. Москва, МАКС Пресс, 2019. 336 с. / DOI: 10.29003/m801.978-5-317-06263-7 [Sayapova A.R., Shirov A.A. (2019) Osnovy metoda zatraty-vypusk. Moskva, MAKS Press. 336 p.] / DOI: 10.29003/m801.978-5-317-06263-7.
Моисеев А.К. Макрофинансовая политика экономического роста: монография. М.: Научный консультант. 2017. 214 с. [Moiseev A.K. (2017) Makrofinansovaya politika ekonomicheskogo rosta: monografiya. M.: Nauchnyj konsul’tant. 2017. 214 p.].
Moiseev A.K. Macro-financial Policy of Economic Growth: Monograph. M.: Scientific Consultant. 2017. 214 p.
Edition in English, French, German and other languages (Latin):
Joskow P. Competitive Electricity Markets and Investment in New Generating Capacity. Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. 74 p.
The monograph should indicate the total number of pages (235 p.),
The range of pages of the article should be given in the book where it is located (pp. 220-222).
If the publication has a DOI, please be sure to specify.
Description of the Translated Book:
In the Russian translation edition, the spelling of surnames should be given in a foreign language, and not to be literally translated into Russian surnames.
Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H., Weaver W. Vibration Problems in Engineering. 4th ed. New York, Wiley, 1974. 521 p. [Russ. ed.: Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H., Weaver W. Kolebaniya v inzhenernom dele. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1985. 472 p.].
Description of the Internet Resource:
Porfiriev BN, Shirov AA, Kolpakov A.Yu. Climate for People, not People for Climate. Expert No. 31-34 of 27.07.2020. Access mode: (accessed date 23.09.2020)
Порфирьев Б.Н., Широв А.А., Колпаков А.Ю. Климат для людей, а не люди для климата. Эксперт №31-34 от 27.07.2020. Access mode: (accessed date 23.09.2020) [Porfir’ev B.N., Shirov A.A., Kolpakov A.YU. Klimat dlya lyudej, a ne lyudi dlya klimata. Ekspert №31-34 ot 27.07.2020]. Available at: (accessed 23.09.2020).
Dissertation (Thesis) or Abstract of the Dissertation (Thesis):
Широв А.А. Многоуровневые структурные исследования как инструмент обоснования экономической политики. Автореф. дисс. докт. эк. наук. Москва, 2016. 45 с. [References: Shirov A.A. Mnogourovnevye strukturnye issledovaniya kak instrument obosnovaniya ekonomicheskoj politiki. Avtoref. diss. dokt. ek. nauk. Moskva, 2016. 45 p.].
Shirov A.A. Multilevel Structural Researches as a Tool for Justifying Economic Policy. Autoref. Diss. Doctor of Economic Sciences. Moscow, 2016. 45 p.
General Comments on the Text
Statistical editions, analytical reports, presentation files, dictionaries, teaching aids, regulatory acts, patents, television interviews, TV shows, videos on YouTube and other services are not included in the Reference list, but are framed as footnotes. Please note that when publishing an article on the development of the Russian economy in the list of literature, the presence of the works of domestic scientists is mandatory.
The period is not put after: headings, title of article, Author of article, names of tables, figures, dimensions (s – second, g – gram, m – meter).
The period is placed after: footnotes (including in tables), notes to tables and figures, abbreviations (month – month, year – year, million – million, rubles – ruble, dollar – dollar, thousand – thousand).
Instead of two periods in a row, one period (point) is always put (“Everything happened in 1985-1990.” and not “Everything happened in 1985-1990 y.y.”), XX century (ХХ в.), 1985-1990, (but not 1990-e), cc. m (not m3), 1990-е годы (but not 1990-е гг.), cubic m (not m3).
A dash with spaces is used to denote a text dash:… where e- the price elasticity of demand.
A dash without spaces denotes a system, border, dependence, etc., and also connects several surnames, names, concepts: the Clapeiron-Clausius equation, the lead-tin-tellurium system, the Altai-Sayana zone; January-February 1992.
Hyphen without gaps: Professor M.M. Gusev-Lebedev, DRON-3 device, years.
Hyphen with gaps is never used.